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Rhesus macaque dataset

Today, we're going to use what we've learned about the command line to perform some basic bioinformatics tasks on a sample of 32 rhesus macaque whole genomes. Rhesus macaques are an Old World monkey, found throughout southern Asia, and are a common model organism for the study of human disease and primate evolution. We sequenced these genomes to study the evolution structural variation over different timescales (Thomas et al. 2020).

Figure 4.1: A Rhesus macaque (left) and Old World monkeys' placement in the primate phylogeny (right) .

As a very brief overview, we sequenced genomes from 32 macaque individuals from several pedigrees and mapped the reads to the macaque reference genome. Then, using programs that look at the orientation of the mapped reads as well as the read depth, we identified regions in each sample with may have been deleted or duplicated. Today, we'll look at these structural variant calls.

Bed files

You'll find in your project repo (folder) a file at the following path: data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bed

Note that this file has the extension .bed. This tells us something about how the text within the file is formatted. If you remember our central dogma for Unix commands (formatted text -> command -> processed text), you'll know that being familiar with how our files are formatted is really important.

So what is a .bed file? Bed files are used to indicate regions within a genome. It is an extremely flexible format -- these regions can represent anything.

In it's most basic form, a .bed file consists of three columns of text, separated by a tab character. The first column represents the chromosome or assembly scaffold of the region, while the second indicates the starting coordinate, and the third indicates the ending coordinate of the region.

Each row represents a separate region

Additional columns can be defined, particularly of interest is a fourth column, which indicates a name or ID for the current region. See these links for more information about .bed files:

Let's take a look at our .bed file:

less -S data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bed
Command line parameterDescription
lessA Linux text file viewer (use space to scroll down, b to scroll up, and q to exit)
-STurn off line-wrapping within less (use the left and right arrow keys to scroll left and right).
data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bedThe path to the file you want to view

You should see something like this:

chr1    89943   90471   chr1:89943:<DUP>:528:1907.19
chr1    130740  131675  chr1:130740:<DEL>:935:285.63
chr1    218574  219534  chr1:218574:<DUP>:960:5699.01
chr1    219608  220078  chr1:219608:<DUP>:470:2074.69
chr1    519434  541582  chr1:519434:<DUP>:22148:1673.64
chr1    519473  542033  chr1:519473:<DUP>:22560:2560.16
chr1    520173  541800  chr1:520173:<DEL>:21627:2955.11
chr1    525401  525806  chr1:525401:<DEL>:405:2986.21
chr1    541132  590572  chr1:541132:<DEL>:49440:316.41
chr1    552968  582234  chr1:552968:<DUP>:29266:189.32
chr1    766381  766933  chr1:766381:<DEL>:552:5099.0

As defined above, this bed file has text in columns, separated by tabs. The first column being the chromosome of the region, second being the start coordinate, and third being the end coordinate. This .bed file also has the optional fourth column giving us a name or ID for each region. In this case, the name indicates whether the structural variant call is a deletion (<DEL>) or a duplication (<DUP>).

Summarizing SVs from the command line

So our collaborator hands us this BED file, and we want to get a general idea about the called variants. What can we do from the command line?

TASK 1: How many structural variants are there?

The most basic thing we'll want to know is how many structural variants have been called. Recalling that each line in a bed file represents one region, which in this case means one structural variant, we can simply count the number of lines in the file with the wc command:

wc -l data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bed
Command line parameterDescription
wcThe Linux word count command. Counts the number of lines, words, and characters in an input file.
-lTells wc to only count number of lines
data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bedThe path to the file you want to count

When I do this, I see


Which means there are a total of 3,646 structural variants called in our sample of 32 macaques.

Introduction to grep

TASK 2: How many DELETIONS are there?

In order to answer this question, we must first separate out the deletions from the duplications. Then we can take the resulting text and use wc -l again.

As with many problems in data science and scripting, there are many possible solutions. What we'll use is the Unix pattern matching command, grep along with the piping function we learned about before.

grep stands for "globally search for a regular expression and print matching lines," which is a pretty descriptive way of saying it is a command for string and pattern matching. You supply grep with a file you want to search, and a string within that file you want to search for, and it will print out each line in the file that contains that string:

grep "<string or pattern>" <input file>
Command line parameterDescription
grepA Unix string and pattern searching command
'<string or pattern>'The string or pattern you want to search for
<input file>The path to the file you want to search

Searching an input file may seem like a simple task, but can be enormously helpful, and is made even more powerful by the use of regular expressions. Regular expressions are a syntax for string matching using wildcards to indicate patterns. The * wild card is a regular expression that you've learned about previously which means "match ANY string."

Using regular expressions, you can both expand and narrow the types of strings you're searching for. For instance, let's say I have a file, sample-ids.txt that lists sample IDs, one per line, all of the pattern. Some samples are from batch "A" and follow the pattern A-. Some are from batch "B" and similarly follow the pattern B-. Maybe I want to perform an operation only on the samples in batch A. I could use grep to get all of them:

grep "A-*" sample-ids.txt
Command line parameterDescription
grepA Unix string and pattern searching command
A-*The string or pattern you want to search for. In this case, grep will print any lines that contain the string "A-" followed by any other characters using the * wildcard.
sample-ids.txtThe path to the file you want to search

Regular expressions can get much more complex to search for more complex patterns, but for now, let's focus on the basics of grep and how it can help us answer how many deletions are in our bed file.

As mentioned above, will use a combination of grep, piping with |, and our line counting command, wc. Let's first just run the pattern matching command to print out lines in our input file that represent deletions:

grep "<DEL>" data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bed
Command line parameterDescription
grepA Linux string search and pattern matching command that takes as input a file or stream from a pipe and searches for a given string.
"<DEL>"The pattern or specific string we want to search for
data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bedThe path to the file you want to search

This should print out a whole lot of lines from our input file to the screen, as is the default behavior for most Unix commands. On my screen, the end of this output looks like this:

chrX    135682628       135718741       chrX:135682628:<DEL>:36113:4892.62
chrX    137821409       137821980       chrX:137821409:<DEL>:571:17208.79
chrX    146387029       146422365       chrX:146387029:<DEL>:35336:4990.42
chrY    4875713 4904730 chrY:4875713:<DEL>:29017:9217.23
chrY    4902981 4904657 chrY:4902981:<DEL>:1676:1876.99
chrY    6907076 6907624 chrY:6907076:<DEL>:548:578.79
chrY    7143528 7144240 chrY:7143528:<DEL>:712:915.06
chrY    7424851 7429392 chrY:7424851:<DEL>:4541:1978.63
chrY    10903282        10911159        chrY:10903282:<DEL>:7877:2856.38

This is similar to what we saw when we just looked at the raw file with less, but if you scrolled through this you'll notice that all the lines printed are deletions, with the <DEL> string. This is because grep took out search string and only returned lines that had that string in it

Now then, how does this help us know how MANY deletions there are. Well, we have two options:

  1. We could save the output from grep to a file with a redirect (>) and then use wc -l on that file.
  2. We could directly pipe (|) the output from grep to wc -l.
  3. Let's try option number two, with piping:

    grep "<DEL>" data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bed | wc -l
    Command line parameterDescription
    grepA Linux string search and pattern matching command that takes as input a file or stream from a pipe and searches for a given string.
    "<DEL>"The pattern or specific string we want to search for
    data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bedThe path to the file you want to search
    |The pipe character means the output from the command specified before it will be used as the input tot he command specified after it

    When I do this, I see


    This means that out of our total 3,646 structural variants, 3,214, or 88%, are deletions.

Introduction to awk

TASK 3: What is the length of each variant?

To answer this question from the command line, we'll first introduce a new command: awk

awk is slightly different from the other commands we've learned about in that it is a fully defined scripting language meant to be used in conjunction with other Unix commands. Given that, it has a much more elaborate syntax than the rest of the commands: it doesn't just have input parameters, but also accepts user defined rules and functions.

This makes awk extremely powerful, and is our first step into scripting, since we will use the awk syntax to define our own commands.

awk can be run in two ways:

  1. The traditional scripting/programming way, where you write your rules in a file.
  2. The Unix way, where you write your rules directly in the command line. These are generally referred to as one-liners.
For one-liners, the general command typed would be:

awk '<user-defined rules>' <input file>
Command line parameterDescription
awkA Linux text processing language
'<user-defined rules>'The user-coded program to run
<input file>The path to the file on which to run the program

Like many other Unix commands, awk processes the input text in the file line-by-line, and generally for each line (or record) it processes one column (or field) at a time. By default, awk assumes that fields are separated by tab characers, but this can be changed with an input option.

Fields (columns) in the file are represented by variables specified by a dollar sign ($) and then the number of the column. For instance, the first column in a file is represented by $1, the fourth column by $4, and so on.

As a brief example, let's say we wanted to extract only the column in our input bed file that represents the end of each region. We know from our .bed format specifications that this is the third column. So we would type:

awk '{print $3}' data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bed
Command line parameterDescription
awkA Linux text processing language
'{print $3}'The user-coded program to run. In this case, we only want to print the third column of the file to the screen.
data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bedThe path to the file on which to run the program

The last few lines of this output should be:


We can do this with any other column we want, and we can perform operations on the values in those columns as well, which brings us to how we find out the length of each region in the .bed file.

Since awk is a fully realized scripting language, it supports basic mathematical operations. Since we have the start and end coordinates of each region, we can just tell awk to subtract the end from the start, giving us the length of each region:

awk '{print $3 - $2}' data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bed
Command line parameterDescription
awkA Linux text processing language
'{print $3 - $2}'The user-coded program to run. In this case, we are telling awk to take the value in the third column and subtract the value in the second column of each row in the file.
data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bedThe path to the file on which to run the program

The last few lines of this output should be:


TASK 4: What is the average length of all variants?

awk can let us do more complex operations as well (it is a full scripting language!). To calculate an average across lines in a file, we also need to keep track of a sum over all lines in the file and make a calculation at the end:

awk '{sum += $3 - $2} END {if (NR > 0) print sum / NR }' data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bed
Command line parameterDescription
awkA Linux text processing language
'{sum += $3 - $2} END {if (NR > 0) print sum / NR }'The user-coded program to run. In this case, we are telling awk to keep track of the sum of all lengths and average them at the end.
data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bedThe path to the file on which to run the program

For me this prints:


Meaning our structural variants are, on average, 3,615 bases long.

But this awk program we've written is slightly more complex. Let's break it down even more:

awk The main call to the awk program. This tells the terminal to use awk to process the rest of the command.
' awk programs defined as one-liners in the command line must be surrounded by quotes to be read as a single chunk of code.
{sum += $3 - $2} This tells awk to subtract the value in the second column of the current line from the value in the third column and to add that difference to a variable called sum. sum is then a cumuluative sum of the lengths of all SVs over all lines in the file.
END This indicates that this is the end of the code to be executed on a per-line basis. All following code will only be executed after all lines in the file have been processed.
{if (NR > 0) A conditional. NR is an internal awk variable that stores the number of rows/lines in the input file. So this conditional states that the code after should only be executed if there are more than 0 rows in the input file. This prevents any divide by zero errors in the next expression.
print sum / NR} This tells awk to take the cumulative sum of all SV lengths, saved in the variable sum and divide it by the total number of rows in the input file, NR and print the resulting value to the screen. Since NR represents the number of SVs, this gives us the average length of all SVs.
' awk programs defined as one-liners in the command line must be surrounded by quotes to be read as a single chunk of code. This is the second quote, meaning the awk program is complete.
data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bed This is the name of the input file on which to run the awk program we've written between the single quotes.
Combining grep and awk with piping

TASK 5: What is the average length of deletions only?

Much like we piped the output from grep into wc to count the total number of deletions, we can pipe output from grep to awk to perform more complex operations on a subset of input data:

grep "<DEL>" data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bed | awk '{sum += $3 - $2} END {if (NR > 0) print sum / NR }'
Command line parameterDescription
grepA Linux string search and pattern matching command that takes as input a file or stream from a pipe and searches for a given string.
"<DEL>"The pattern or specific string we want to search for
data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bedThe path to the file you want to search
|The pipe character means the output from the command specified before it will be used as the input to the command specified after it
awkA Linux text processing language
'{sum += $3 - $2} END {if (NR > 0) print sum / NR }'The user-coded program to run. In this case, we are telling awk to keep track of the sum of all lengths and average them at the end.
data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bedThe path to the file on which to run the program

So now awk, rather than having an input file specified, takes input from the output of grep. For me, this prints the average length of deletions as:


This is pretty close to the overall average of 3,615bp, but a little shorter. What about the average length of duplications?

grep "<DUP>" data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bed | awk '{sum += $3 - $2} END {if (NR > 0) print sum / NR }'
Command line parameterDescription
grepA Linux string search and pattern matching command that takes as input a file or stream from a pipe and searches for a given string.
"<DUP>"The pattern or specific string we want to search for
data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bedThe path to the file you want to search
|The pipe character means the output from the command specified before it will be used as the input to the command specified after it
awkA Linux text processing language
'{sum += $3 - $2} END {if (NR > 0) print sum / NR }'The user-coded program to run. In this case, we are telling awk to keep track of the sum of all lengths and average them at the end.
data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bedThe path to the file on which to run the program

Wow! So deletions make up almost 90% of all SVs, but duplications are, on average, more than twice as long.

Annotation files

TASK 6: How many SVs overlap with genes?

For many types of genomic variation the question of how they affect annotated functional regions, like genes, will inevitably be asked. In order to answer this question, we'll need to familiarize ourselves with another file format, that of GTF and GFF files.

GTF stands for General Transfer Format and GFF stands for General Feature Format.

GTF and GFF files are both tab delimited formats that indicate regions in a genome, much like a bed file. However, these files are limited to annotated functional regions and contain extra information about those regions, such as functional class (e.g., gene, transcript, UTR), and orientation.

Read more about GTF and GFF file formats here:

We've pre-downloaded a GTF file for the rhesus macaque from Ensembl. Let's take a look at it:

zless -S data/macaque-svs/annotation-files/Macaca_mulatta.Mmul_8.0.1.97.chromes.gtf.gz
Command line parameterDescription
zlessA Linux compressed text file viewer (use space to scroll down, b to scroll up, and q to exit)
-STurn off line-wrapping within zless (use the left and right arrow keys to scroll left and right).
data/macaque-svs/annotation-files/Macaca_mulatta.Mmul_8.0.1.97.chromes.gtf.gzThe path to the file you want to view

You should see something like this:

1	ensembl	gene	25432	42232	.	+	.	gene_id "ENSMMUG00000005947"; gene_version "3"; gene_name "SAMD11"; gene_source "ensembl"; gene_biotype "protein_coding";
1	ensembl	transcript	25432	42232	.	+	.	gene_id "ENSMMUG00000005947"; gene_version "3"; transcript_id "ENSMMUT00000063154"; transcript_version "1"; gene_name "SAMD11"; gene_source "ensembl"; gene_biotype "protein_coding"; transcript_name "SAMD11-201"; transcript_source "ensembl"; transcript_biotype "protein_coding";
1	ensembl	exon	25432	25503	.	+	.	gene_id "ENSMMUG00000005947"; gene_version "3"; transcript_id "ENSMMUT00000063154"; transcript_version "1"; exon_number "1"; gene_name "SAMD11"; gene_source "ensembl"; gene_biotype "protein_coding"; transcript_name "SAMD11-201"; transcript_source "ensembl"; transcript_biotype "protein_coding"; exon_id "ENSMMUE00000311984"; exon_version "2";
1	ensembl	CDS	25432	25503	.	+	0	gene_id "ENSMMUG00000005947"; gene_version "3"; transcript_id "ENSMMUT00000063154"; transcript_version "1"; exon_number "1"; gene_name "SAMD11"; gene_source "ensembl"; gene_biotype "protein_coding"; transcript_name "SAMD11-201"; transcript_source "ensembl"; transcript_biotype "protein_coding"; protein_id "ENSMMUP00000049946"; protein_version "1";
1	ensembl	start_codon	25432	25434	.	+	0	gene_id "ENSMMUG00000005947"; gene_version "3"; transcript_id "ENSMMUT00000063154"; transcript_version "1"; exon_number "1"; gene_name "SAMD11"; gene_source "ensembl"; gene_biotype "protein_coding"; transcript_name "SAMD11-201"; transcript_source "ensembl"; transcript_biotype "protein_coding";
1	ensembl	exon	29573	29754	.	+	.	gene_id "ENSMMUG00000005947"; gene_version "3"; transcript_id "ENSMMUT00000063154"; transcript_version "1"; exon_number "2"; gene_name "SAMD11"; gene_source "ensembl"; gene_biotype "protein_coding"; transcript_name "SAMD11-201"; transcript_source "ensembl"; transcript_biotype "protein_coding"; exon_id "ENSMMUE00000311983"; exon_version "1";
1	ensembl	CDS	29573	29754	.	+	0	gene_id "ENSMMUG00000005947"; gene_version "3"; transcript_id "ENSMMUT00000063154"; transcript_version "1"; exon_number "2"; gene_name "SAMD11"; gene_source "ensembl"; gene_biotype "protein_coding"; transcript_name "SAMD11-201"; transcript_source "ensembl"; transcript_biotype "protein_coding"; protein_id "ENSMMUP00000049946"; protein_version "1";

So this should have all the columns required of a GTF file as outlined in the links above. Notably, the first, third, and fourth columns define the location within the genome, being the chromosome, start coordinate, and end coordinate respectively. Columns 2 defines the regions annotation source while column 3 defines the type of region. You can notice here the nesting structure associated with genes and their sub-elements.

Column 6 shows the regions orientation. This is an often overlooked but important thing to consider when extracting sequences in a genome: if the region indicated is on the opposite strand (indicated with a - sign), then you must take the reverse complement of that sequence, and for genes the sub-elements (exons, CDS, etc.) must be taken in reverse order. Today, since we're not actually extracting sequence and only looking at coordinates, we shouldn't need to worry about this.

The last column in the GTF files serves as a sort of catch-all. This column is named 'attributes', but programs and users are free to put any information in this column that they like, separated by semi-colons. Unfortunately, this leads to variations between GTF files, which can cause trouble for down-stream users. Again, today we don't need to worry about this.

Converting GTF to BED

In order to address our question, "How many SVs overalp with genes?", we'll be using a program called bedtools. bedtools is a staple bioinformatic program used for working with genomic regions in bed format. It is actually a suite of tools designed with the Unix philosophy: each sub-program does one thing really well, and the sub-programs can work together by taking input from each other.

Since bedtools works with bed files, we'll need to convert our GTF regions of interest to bed format.

First, let's use awk to extract only lines that are defined as "gene" in the third column:

zcat data/macaque-svs/annotation-files/Macaca_mulatta.Mmul_8.0.1.97.chromes.gtf.gz | awk '{if($3 == "gene"){print}}'
Command line parameterDescription
zcatThis prints lines from a compressed text file to the screen. Since this file is compressed (.gz) we first need to decompress the text for awk to read.
data/macaque-svs/annotation-files/Macaca_mulatta.Mmul_8.0.1.97.chromes.gtf.gzThe path to the input file to read
|The pipe character means the output from the command specified before it will be used as the input to the command specified after it
awkA Linux text processing language
'{if($3 == "gene"){print}}'The user-coded program to run. In this case, we want to print the line to the screen if the third column matches the string "gene".

This should print all the lines that are genes to the screen. But now we want to convert these lines into bed format. This should be easy since all the information we need is in the first, fourth, and fifth columns:

zcat data/macaque-svs/annotation-files/Macaca_mulatta.Mmul_8.0.1.97.chromes.gtf.gz | awk '{if($3 == "gene"){print}}' | awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{print "chr"$1, $4, $5}'
Command line parameterDescription
zcatThis prints lines from a compressed text file to the screen. Since this file is compressed (.gz) we first need to decompress the text for awk to read.
data/macaque-svs/annotation-files/Macaca_mulatta.Mmul_8.0.1.97.chromes.gtf.gzThe path to the input file to read
|The pipe character means the output from the command specified before it will be used as the input to the command specified after it
awkA Linux text processing language
'{if($3 == "gene"){print}}'The user-coded program to run. In this case, we want to print the line to the screen if the third column matches the string "gene".
|The pipe character means the output from the command specified before it will be used as the input to the command specified after it
awkA Linux text processing language
'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{print "chr"$1, $4, $5}'The user-coded program to run. In this case, we want to print the first, fourth, and fifth columns of the input file.

This should print the specified columns of all lines that have "gene" in the third column to the screen. One new thing here is that we've re-set the internal awk variable OFS (output field separator) to a tab character. This means output columns will print with this character between them. Using a tab character matches bed format specifications. Note that also columns must be listed with commas in the awk program.

You'll also notice that we've added a string to the first column: "chr". This is because the bed file with our SV calls names chromosomes as chr1, chr2, etc., while this GTF file simply names them 1, 2, etc. This mis-match would prevent bedtools from finding overlaps so we need to add the "chr" string here.

Finally, since we want to use this text later, we'll need to save it by redirecting it to a file with >:

zcat data/macaque-svs/annotation-files/Macaca_mulatta.Mmul_8.0.1.97.chromes.gtf.gz | awk '{if($3 == "gene"){print}}' | awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{print "chr"$1, $4, $5}' > data/macaque-svs/annotation-files/macaque-genes.bed
Command line parameterDescription
zcatThis prints lines from a compressed text file to the screen. Since this file is compressed (.gz) we first need to decompress the text for awk to read.
data/macaque-svs/annotation-files/Macaca_mulatta.Mmul_8.0.1.97.chromes.gtf.gzThe path to the input file to read
|The pipe character means the output from the command specified before it will be used as the input to the command specified after it
awkA Linux text processing language
'{if($3 == "gene"){print}}'The user-coded program to run. In this case, we want to print the line to the screen if the third column matches the string "gene".
|The pipe character means the output from the command specified before it will be used as the input to the command specified after it
awkA Linux text processing language
'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{print "chr"$1, $4, $5}'The user-coded program to run. In this case, we want to print the first, fourth, and fifth columns of the input file.
>The redirect character means the output from the command specified before it will be saved to the file specified after it
data/macaque-svs/annotation-files/macaque-genes.bedThe path to the desired output file. This will be created if it doesn't exist and WILL OVERWRITE files that do exist

Now, instead of printing the output of our command to the screen, it will be saved in the file macaque-genes.bed, and we can use it as we wish later.

Using bedtools to get overlapping regions

As we mentioned above, bedtools, is an extremely versatile program for working with genomic regions in bed format. bedtools is a suite of programs that are generally run as follows:

bedtools <sub-program> <options> <input file>
Command line parameterDescription
bedtoolsA program for working with genomic regions in bed format
<sub-program>The desired sub-program within bedtools to run
<options>Sub-program specific run options
<input file>The path to the file you want to run on

A lot more info can be found on the bedtools website.

Now we're going to use bedtools intersect to see how many of our structural variants overlap with genes. bedtools intersect takes as input 2 bed files and prints output based on their overlaps. This output can be customized to include the number or percent of bases overlapped, among other things.

bedtools intersect -u -a data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bed -b data/macaque-svs/annotation-files/macaque-genes.bed
Command line parameterDescription
bedtoolsA program for working with genomic regions in bed format
intersectA sub-program for bedtools that compares 2 bed files and reports overlaps
-uThis option says to print the region in file a if it has any overlaps in file b
-aThe option to specify the first bed file
data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bedThe path to the first bed file
-bThe option to specify the second bed file
data/macaque-svs/annotation-files/macaque-genes.bedThe path to the second bed file

This prints out all lines in file a that overlap with a region in file b. The end of my output looks something like this:

chrX    86600287        86600725        chrX:86600287:<DEL>:438:6027.45
chrX    86613955        86615407        chrX:86613955:<DEL>:1452:1737.19
chrX    91174961        91176888        chrX:91174961:<DEL>:1927:4205.93
chrX    92753089        92753972        chrX:92753089:<DEL>:883:3724.23
chrX    98845605        98847132        chrX:98845605:<DEL>:1527:1678.29
chrX    123944663       123946419       chrX:123944663:<DEL>:1756:2666.16
chrX    129328746       129330969       chrX:129328746:<DEL>:2223:5690.06
chrX    135679612       135715923       chrX:135679612:<DEL>:36311:1521.72
chrX    135682628       135718741       chrX:135682628:<DEL>:36113:4892.62
chrX    146387029       146422365       chrX:146387029:<DEL>:35336:4990.42

These are the SVs in our sample that overlap genes in the macaque genome! How many of these are there? Let's pipe this output into wc:

bedtools intersect -u -a data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bed -b data/macaque-svs/annotation-files/macaque-genes.bed | wc -l
Command line parameterDescription
bedtoolsA program for working with genomic regions in bed format
intersectA sub-program for bedtools that compares 2 bed files and reports overlaps
-uThis option says to print the region in file a if it has any overlaps in file b
-aThe option to specify the first bed file
data/macaque-svs/macaque-svs-filtered.bedThe path to the first bed file
-bThe option to specify the second bed file
data/macaque-svs/annotation-files/macaque-genes.bedThe path to the second bed file
|The pipe character means the output from the command specified before it will be used as the input to the command specified after it
wcThe Linux word count command. Counts the number of lines, words, and characters in an input file.
-lTells wc to only count number of lines

When I do this, I see


Meaning 1,609 structural variants overlap a gene. This is roughly 44%.

Next, we'll build on these bioinformatic skills by looking at a set of SNPs from a sample of wolves!