Wheat Results (all sub-genomes)
Input phylogeny
H1 Node: All possible nodes
H2 Nodes: All possible nodes
7,362 trees after filtering
Optimal Wheat MUL-tree
Optimal H1 node: TAES (A sub-genome)
Optimal H2 node: 2 (B sub-genome)
Second H2 node: ATAU (D sub-genome)
Score plot with alternate species topology 1
Score plot with alternate species topology 2
Known wheat phylogeny
Species list
Species name | Species ID |
Setaria italica | SITA |
Zea mays | ZMAY |
Sorghum bicolor | SBIC |
Leersia perrieri | LPER |
Oryza sativa | OSAT |
Bracypodium distachyon | BDIS |
Hordeum vulgare | HVUL |
Triticum aestivum | TAES |
Triticum urartu | TURA |
Aegilops tauschii | ATAU |